Sunday, May 24, 2009

Katie & Trent's Engagement Session

I was really looking forward to photographing Katie and Trent today. They are a great couple who are fun-loving and seem to really enjoy the time they spend together. I think that is obvious to everyone around them. Because of this, their pictures really show how much they love each other. 

We traveled to the Stan Wywet Hall in Akron. The day was hot and sunny (unusual for Ohio) and the photos turned out wonderfully. Here's a few of my favorites.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby Photography

I was honored, recently, by the Clayton family. They allowed me to come to the hospital and photograph their son, Reese, when he had just been born. I was touched. The baby was adorable and will be a treasured member of this family. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today's Bride Bridal Show

I am excited to announce that we had a wonderful turn-out for the bridal show on the 11th! Thank you to all of you who were brave enough to face the snow and come out and see us. I hope to be working with you soon. Remember that you get 10% off of all services when booking photography and DJ services together. It's a great way to save a little money in a time when we could all use a little extra. :o)